Quote for the week

“True friendship isn’t about being inseparable, it’s about being apart and nothing changes.” – Unknown

Cherished Friendships – Stories of the Heart, Then and Now

In 1997, my husband and I, along with our 18-month-old toddler, embarked on a life-changing journey, moving from Bahrain to Toledo, Ohio, to chase the American dream. With just four suitcases, we landed in Detroit, Michigan, full of hope but uncertain of what lay ahead. We followed the footsteps of my husband’s best friend, who had moved a year earlier for his MBA. Little did we know that this friendship would become the cornerstone of our support system in this new chapter of life.

Our friends, a couple who would go on to become our lifelong companions, picked us up at the airport and graciously hosted us, making the transition easier. Those early days were filled with juggling graduate school, raising a toddler, and getting by on a meager income from campus jobs. Without their help, I’m not sure how we would have managed the balancing act. They were more than just friends—they became our extended family in a foreign land, providing emotional and practical support that we will always be grateful for.

Fast forward to 2024, and we recently visited our friends, who had moved back to Toledo to be closer to their family. We took a nostalgic trip to our alma mater, walking through familiar grounds and reminiscing about those early days of struggle and growth. Spending two days together, catching up on life, sharing challenges, and laughing until our hearts were full, reminded me of just how special these friendships are. We were in touch over the years, but nothing compares to sitting together, face-to-face, reliving memories.

Our time together included visiting family members, attending get-togethers at their lake house, and strolling through Toledo with our hearts full, a trip to Meijer marking the end of a perfect weekend. As we parted ways, we promised to stay in touch more and left with a renewed sense of gratitude for the bond we share.

From Toledo, we drove to Chicago to attend the engagement of my childhood friend’s daughter. My bestie and I met when we were 10 years old, and we’ve been inseparable ever since. Over 45 years of friendship have seen us through countless sleepovers, shared hobbies, school plays, and, of course, plenty of mischief. When I moved to the U.S., she was already in Chicago and had just delivered her daughter. It felt like life had come full circle as I celebrated her daughter’s engagement, realizing how deeply our lives are intertwined.

We’re both strong-willed with big personalities, which has sometimes led to disagreements, arguments, and growing pains. But like siblings, we always find our way back to each other. We’ve hugged it out (even virtually), apologized, and sent countless heart emojis after every misunderstanding. Our bond is one of those rare friendships where no matter what, you know that person will always be there for you.

Some friendships are simply irreplaceable. They transcend time and distance, grounding us in ways that few other relationships can. As I reflect on these two friendships that have shaped my life, I feel immensely blessed. These bonds remind me of the importance of nurturing and cherishing the connections that make us who we are.

Three Ways to Respect and Build Strong Friendships:

  1. Be Present in Each Other’s Lives: Whether near or far, make an effort to stay connected. Check in with each other regularly and show up in moments of need, celebration, or even just to reminisce about shared experiences.
  2. Embrace Growth and Change: Understand that friendships evolve. Be patient with one another as you both grow and change. Allow space for disagreements, and always work to resolve them with empathy and understanding.
  3. Celebrate the Little and Big Moments: Friendship is built not only on shared struggles but also on celebrating each other’s successes. Take time to appreciate both the small wins and the life-changing milestones, just as you would for family.

Cherishing friendships means recognizing the people who have stood by you through thick and thin, celebrating life’s highs, and supporting each other in the lows. So take a moment to reach out to that friend you hold dear, and let them know how much they mean to you. These are the friendships that fill our hearts and make life’s journey that much richer.