How do I sign up?

It’s easy. Create an account for free by clicking here. It only takes 2 minutes to register!

How do I login?

Click "login" from the top right corner of any page on the site. Enter your username (your email address) and password and click "Submit." Once you have successfully logged in, your drop-down ‘action links’ will be available beneath your name.

Do I need to login each time I visit the proteanmed.com?

Yes. For your protection, we ask that you sign in for each session.

What if I forget my password?

Click "login" from the top right corner of any page on the site and you will be taken to the login page. Click the "Forgot Password" link underneath the empty username and password fields. The link will take you to a new page where you can enter your email address and have the password sent to you by email.

What are cookies? How do I enable cookies?

Cookies store information in a small text file on your hard drive and allow the site to remember your preferences. Follow the instructions specific to your web browser to enable cookies.

Does proteanmed.com use cookies?

Yes. Proteanmed.com stores your username, password, and other information while you're working on our site.

Allowing a cookie does not give anyone access to the rest of your computer; only this website can read the cookie information. If you choose to disable cookies in your browser, you will not be able to search for jobs, search for candidates, or post job openings within this website.